How can we transform row to column?
what are confirmed dimension? We alwys give date as a conformed dimension but if it has different format for different contries say YYMMDD for italy and MM-DD-YYYY for france.Then are they not confirmed.
4 Answers IBM, MAHINDRA, Tech Mahindra,
How to generate the cubes in framework manager?
Explain difference between snow flake and star schema. What are situations where snow flake schema is better than star schema to use and when the opposite is true?
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How many ways we test the universe & Report?
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can anybody mail me the FAQS for hyperion essbase amd planning
What is the definition of cube in datawarehousing?
Explain normalization?
How can you communicate with web server (apache or iis) from coldfusion?
What is the difference between view materialized view and view?