What are modeling tools available in the market?
Explain clearly how to explain any (sales) project in interview. Actually feom where report developer work starts?pls reply as soon as possible?
How to handle time period attribute for time dependent data?? a.)add time period as a part of pk b.)add time period simply and make it nullablec.)add time period simply and make it not null.
What is the working process for application.cfm?
Explain the definition of normalized and denormalized view and what are the differences between them?
What are situations where snow flake schema is better than star schema to use and when the opposite is true?
Explain techniques of error handling - ignore , rejecting bad records to a flat file , loading the records and reviewing them (default values)?
Explain the advantages of raid 1, 1/0, and 5. What type of raid setup would you put your tx logs.
Tell me what is full load & incremental or refresh load?
Can you pass sql queries in filter transformation?
What is the function of etl when used in data warehousing?
What are steps we have to follow in designing the userfriendly universe?
Explain what is the difference between power center & power mart?