Explain is there any way to read the ms excel datas directly into informatica? Like is there any possibilities to take excel file as target?
What are Dimensional table?
what are the perameter and variable?
draw informatica architecture 8.6 ?
. Design a mapping, first two phone calls received by a customer must be represented as "Home" , "Office" and the next calls must be concatinated and represented as "Other".Look at the below tables :: Source Definition Customer Phone_Number A 9848403211 A 9812675432 A 9112356788 A 9876503276 B 9567890765 B 9876098567 AND THE TARGET IS Customer Home Office Other A 9848403211 9812675432 9112356788,9876503276 B 9567890765 9876098567 Null
What is the function of look up transformation?
As a support project team member, how will you get the questions regarding errors from client or customers (in which format)?
Design a mapping to get the pervious row salary for the current row. If there is no pervious row exists for the current row, then the pervious row salary should be displayed as null.
which one is costliest transformation? costliest means occupying more memory. which one Aggregator,sorter,filter,etc..
Is LOAD MANAGER AND LOAD BALANCER same in informatica?
What is a code page in Informatica
3 Answers American Express, Cognizant, Deloitte,
Hello Everyone,i have one question on sequence generator.i have two targets and the records comes from the source will place in the targets like 1-10 rec in target1 and 11-20 rec in target2,21-30 rec in target1...etc so any one can help me? plz..Thanq in adv.
what is lookup ?