What three things do you consider to be the most important factors for a manager?
Suppose i have the sinario like this column1: e1,e2,e3,e4 : column2: 1,0,1,0 : column3: M,F,M,F : in this i want to disply 1 is male and 0 is female which is added to the another column like column 4 what is the process?
how we improve the performance of report and universe?
Say, the query gets executed and we got the results. In case if we have a large number of rows, how can we know the exact no of rows returned?
Can we do the slice and dice in webintellegence?
If the Hi-rarchies are not defined in the universe level .Is it possible to do in the report level?
Explain what if a cartesian product pop up block appears when running a report. Does it give wrong values? How to solve this issue?
what is meant by slowly changing dimensions?
hi,in crystal report xI after select stantderd report Data window appear when ever i click Repository folder it ask me system/user name and p/w and when ever i put my info it says:Tranport falier :comunication error,can any body tell me what to do i already reinstall this s/w 3 times(every thing is working with same user name and p/w like xcelsois,webi,deski,desinger,cmc u name it..thanks
Can any one tell me for business objects what we need to study means some body tole me that we need DW,ETL,SQL.... is this is necessary..?
Explain as a ba (business analyst) approaching a new piece of work, who would you interview and what questions would you ask?
please anyone explain the equi join,outer joi(right outer join and left outer join),theta join and self join with database tables.