How to download oracle database 10g xe?
List the parts of a database trigger.
what are the different types of cursors? explain?
What is use of oracle?
What is oracle used for?
Hi can anyone tell me where are the dumps found of OCA certification.. Also the materials to be studied for the preparation.
Display the number value in Words?
What query tells you how much space a tablespace named test is taking up, and how much space is remaining?
How to view all columns in an existing table?
1) What is ONE_SIZE_FITS_ALL approach? 2) Explain the Common & Variable Header of DATA FILE? 3) What are the Drawbacks to using OMF DB? and the Advantages? 4) List out the Advantages of Undo T.spaces over the Undo SEGMENT? 5) Difference between the Temporary tablespace with TEMPFILE and the Tablespace with TEMPORARY Keyword? 6) What are the situation extents are freeing for reuse.
How to assign values to variables?
Will you be able to store pictures in the database?explain.
Where is the export dump file located?