Do you know hot add cpu in sql server 2008?
How to convert numeric expression data types by assignment operations?
What is openrowset sql server?
PC(code, model, speed, ram, hd, cd, price) Find the hard drive sizes that are equal among two or more PCs.
List some of the rules that apply to creating and using a ‘view’
When should you use an instead of trigger?
What will happen if a column containing char type data is changed to the nchar data type?
How can I change procedure name in sql server?
If any possiable to use 2 primary key in single table? How many primary key & foreign key used in each table(min & max)?
Can some one please help with a query which will take only max value of a column in a join.
What are different replication agents and what's their purpose? : sql server replication
Explain forward - only cursors?
how insert selected column only ?