Are the outer parentheses in return statements really optional?

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You are given a string which contains some special characters. You also have set of special characters. You are given other string (call it as pattern string). Your job is to write a program to replace each special characters in given string by pattern string. You are not allowed to create new resulting string. You need to allocate some new memory to given existing string but constraint is you can only allocate memory one time. Allocate memory exactly what you need not more not less.

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In cryptography, you could often break the algorithm if you know what was the original (plain) text that was encoded into the current ciphertext. This is called the plain text attack. In this simple problem, we illustrate the plain text attack on a simple substitution cipher encryption, where you know each letter has been substituted with a different letter from the alphabet but you don’t know what that letter is. You are given the cipherText as the input string to the function getwordSets(). You know that a plain text "AMMUNITION" occurs somewhere in this cipher text. Now, you have to find out which sets of characters corresponds to the encrypted form of the "AMMUNITION". You can assume that the encryption follows simple substitution only. [Hint: You could use the pattern in the "AMMUNITION" like MM occurring twice together to identify this]

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