What does static variable mean in c?
What is the output of following program ? int main() { int x = 5; printf("%d %d %d\n", x, x << 2, x >> 2); }
What language is c written?
How can you find out how much memory is available?
Difference between MAC vs. IP Addressing
typedef struct { int i:8; char c:9; float f:20; }st_temp; int getdata(st_temp *stptr) { stptr->i = 99; return stptr->i; } main() { st_temp local; int i; local.c = 'v'; local.i = 9; local.f = 23.65; printf(" %d %c %f",local.i,local.c,local.f); i = getdata(&local); printf("\n %d",i); getch(); } why there there is an error during compiling the above program?
What is the difference between c &c++?
Is int a keyword in c?
Give a method to count the number of ones in a 32 bit number?
Why is c called c not d or e?
What is the use of sizeof () in c?
Write a program to replace n bits from the position p of the bit representation of an inputted character x with the one's complement. Method invertBit takes 3 parameters x as input character, p as position and n as the number of positions from p. Replace n bits from pth position in 8 bit character x. Then return the characters by inverting the bits.
What is an lvalue?