how to write script in qtp(vbscript)..i mean with out
application deployed..and how to call script1 into script2?
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Answer / sreeprasad
runaction actionname(iteration mode,iteration
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Answer / akshar jain
u can do it by writing descriptively.. but usually all of
us are using qtp for testing purpose so a appliaction will
always be opened
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what are the challenges do we face while testing webbased applcations using the automation tool QTP or any?
Can anyone tell me what is the equivalant method to be used in QTP for "web_obj_get_text" used in winrunner. My winrunner code is below. set_window("Confirm Add Subscriber"); rc = web_obj_get_text("Add subscriber:","#8","#1",orderID,"The order number is","\.",1); basically I need to retrieved the "orderID " from a string present in 8th row & 1st col of table "Add subscriber"
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1. In build1 there is a page with two check boxes and a submit button. You have prepared a script for that page and its working fine. In Build 2 the developers have added two checkboxes in the page. Will the script prepared for Build 1 work for Build 2 or not. If yes, why and if No, why. Remember the developers have not touched the object properties of the textboxes in the page.
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