Tell me what does pear stands for?
How to connect SMTP server in php. I want to edit that in mantiss bug tracking tool. If anyone worked on mantiss software or in php, please give answer . I need to modify that in mantiss software.
How do I know my xampp version?
Seeking a PHP skilled programmer, with knowledge of MySQL Database, Javascript and AJAX. CSS and HTML is a plus. Temporary job for 2 months. Possibility of extending the contract (depending on how good you are). Location: Delhi. Start: ASAP Contact me at together with your CV.
What is the correct php command to use to catch any error messages within the code?
What is a php tag?
How to open a file in php?
hello experts good morning to everyone ! at present am now learning LAMP course sir( linux, apache,mysql and php) after finishing this course can i create my own website without investment is it possible ? please can any one tell sir and also tell me how can i upload my project after finishing the project in internet ? please tell the ways sir please send ur valuable suggestions to
what is variable scope, which variables are accessible from where and what are "undefined variable" errors?
When sessions ends?
Is php developer in demand?
How do I use isdigit function?
What is the difference between php and javascript?