How the exception handling can be done using QTP

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How the exception handling can be done using QTP..

Answer / mukesh

QTP provides Recovery Scenario manager for exception
handing..its open a wizard u just go through that wizard
step by step and save ur recovery scenario for that current
test or for all.

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How the exception handling can be done using QTP..

Answer / mogal

Exception Handling is done in QTP by using

1.Recovery scenorios(Resources-->Recovery scenario Manager-->)
a.Triggered Event
b.Recovery operation recovery operation

2.synchronization methods(wait,wait property,exists like methods etc)

3. conditional statements( if,for,while etc)

4. on error resume next and on error goto 0.

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How the exception handling can be done using QTP..

Answer / ycy

If u don't want use Recovery scenario
You create the exception steps as an reusabel action and u
call that action whereever u need to handle the exception
in the script.

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How the exception handling can be done using QTP..

Answer / rafi

Using recovery scenario we can handle all types of
exception handling

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How the exception handling can be done using QTP..

Answer / raghu

Recovery scenario is the best solution to handle the
Expceptional Handling. Previously in Winrunner there is a
concept of expceptional handling but in QTP it is overcomed
by Recovery Scenario concept.

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How the exception handling can be done using QTP..

Answer / sreeprasad

It can be done Using the Recovery Scenario Manager which

provides a wizard that gudies you through the process of

defining a recovery scenario. FYI.. The wizard could be

accesed in QTP> Tools-> Recovery Scenario Manager .......

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