What are the properties of union in c?
What is the role of this pointer?
What are pointers?
0 Answers Accenture, Tavant Technologies, Zensar,
two variables are added answer is stored on not for third variable how it is possible?
What is typedef example?
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How can we allocate array or structure bigger than 64kb?
Q.1 write a program to create binary tree 1 to 16 numbers? Q.2 write a program to creat a binary search tree for the member that is given by user?
write a c program to print the values in words eg:- 143 written it has (one hundred and forty three)& 104, 114 are also written words
5 Answers Captronic, DELL, Google, IBM, Mithi, RCC, Wipro,
write a program to find the largest and second largest integer from an array
What is bubble sort in c?
main() { float f1=10.5; double db1=10.5 if(f1==db1) printf("a"); else printf("b") }
Is it acceptable to declare/define a variable in a c header?