What is use of bit field?

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The purpose of this exercise is to benchmark file writing and reading speed. This exercise is divided into two parts. a). Write a file character by character such that the total file size becomes approximately >10K. After writing close the file handler, open a new stream and read the file character by character. Record both times. Execute this exercise at least 4 times b). Create a buffer capable of storing 100 characters. Now after generating the characters, first store them in the buffer. Once the buffer is filled up, store all the elements in the file. Repeat the process until the total file size becomes approximately >10K.While reading read a while line, store it in buffer and once buffer gets filled up, display the whole buffer. Repeat the exercise at least 4 times with different size of buffer (50, 100, 150 …). Records the times. c). Do an analysis of the differences in times and submit it in class.

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Can U write a C-program to print the size of a data type without using the sizeof() operator? Explain how it works inside ?

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write a program to display reverse of a number using for loop?

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Print all the palindrome numbers.If a number is not palindrome make it one by attaching the reverse to it. eg:123 output:123321 (or) 12321

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write a c program thal will find all sequences of length N that produce the sum is Zero, print all possible solutions?

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