Tell me why the rsl of microwave link is in -ive?
why we use relay in bts?
What is Multiplexing? What are its categories?
Can I have some basic interview questions on Cramer Development, OSS, COT etc? I am expecting an interview call from the client. I have 2 years of experience in Cramer development in a Telecom Industry.
Explain what is bts? What are its different configurations and what is the power consumption/peak current for each of these types of bts?
What is Antenna gain.
9 Answers College School Exams Tests, Ericsson, Huawei, Nokia,
Write the total description of Ultra Commissioning.
Tell me what is the time taken for 1 satellite hop in voice communication?
What is 3Gsim?
What is the frequency range used for Bluetooth in INDIA ?
What are the different elementsof MSC?
What is bts? What are its different?
What other TCP setting can you modify besides MTU to shorten packets?