How to test a dml trigger in ms sql server?
What are partitioned views and distributed partitioned views?
Tell me the use of keyword with encryption. Create a store procedure with encryption?
You want to implement the one-to-one relationship while designing tables. How would you do it?
Call by value and call by reference in procedure and function, with NOCOPY.
What are orphan records?
in tabase table having a column in it empname field is there which having 5 duplicate values is there i want deleted all the duplicates i want showing only one name only.
you accidentally delete the msdb database what effect does this have on your existing sql databases, and how do you recover? : Sql server administration
which backup strategy you are following at ur company
What protocol does sql server use?
Is it possible for a stored procedure to call itself or recursive stored procedure?
What is normalization 1nf 2nf 3nf?
What is the default server name for sql server?