What is polymorphism in java? What are the kinds of polymorphism?
What is skeleton and stub? What is the purpose of those?
What is boolean used for?
Differentiate between class and structure.
What is the argument in java?
How to perform Singleton of the java class object on multi JVM?
What is function overriding and overloading in java?
Explain different ways of passing arguments to sub-routine?
what do you understand by synchronization? : Java thread
What is the difference between size and length in java?
What is a class object?
What are parsers? Dom vs sax parser.
public class AboutStrings{ public static void main(String args[]){ String s1="hello"; String s2="hel"; String s3="lo"; String s4=s2+s3; //to know the hash codes of s1,s4. System.out.println(s1.hashCode()); System.out.println(s4.hashCode()); // these two s1 and s4 are having same hashcodes. if(s1==s4){ System.out.println("s1 and s4 are same."); }else System.out.println("s1 and s4 are not same."); } } Somebody told me that, == operator compares references of the objects. In the above example even though s1 and s4 are refering to same object(having same hash codes), it is printing s1 and s4 are not same. Can anybody explain in detail why it is behaving like this? Thanks in Advance RavuriVinod