What is permanent account number (pan)?
What is Deferred tax??
If a supplier of goods is also a Contractor doing labour work, then is it necessary to collect separate bills one for material & the other for labour? or else tell me what is to be doen?
The Loss of Profit & Loss A/C Where It is Shown in Balance Sheet Liability or Assets Why ?
what is the rate of TCS tax?
Please send me the chart for Input tax restricted goods
whether TDS is deducted on internet charges(leased line) and which section does it belong to and if it is applicable then what is the maximum exemption limit?
mr. x earns a salary of rs. 34000 p.m, but mr. x assures that he is going to produce investment suppoting of rs. 69000 eligible u/s 80C but fails to produce how to throughtout the F.Y ho to calculate tds per month???
What is Vendor Reconciliation and how is it done ?
What are the new income exemption limits for Men,Women and Senior Citizens for the Financial Year 2009-10
What is diff between Sales Tax
how to calculate tds?
Please help me to find VAT Rates of the follwing Items in A.P 1.Fiber Glass -CSM -Roving W.R Polyster Resin G.P{general purpose)Roofing,ISO Thanks & Regards Mohan .V