Explain how do you list a file’s date and time?
Describe dynamic data structure in c programming language?
Please send me WIPRO technical question to my mail ID.. its nisha_g28@yahoo.com please its urgent
Write a main() program that calls this function at least 10 times. Try implementing this function in two different ways. First, use an external variable to store the count. Second, use a local variable. Which is more appropriate?
Write a program in c to print 1 121 12321 1234321 123454321
11 Answers ANR, College School Exams Tests, Mu Sigma, Wipro,
I completed my B.tech (IT). Actually I want to develop virtual object that which will change software technology in the future. To develop virtual object what course I have to take. can I any professor to help me.
what will be the output: main(){char ch;int a=10;printf("%d",ch);}
36 Answers Accenture, TCS, Wipro,
Why preprocessor should come before source code?
What is dangling pointer in c?
can we implement multi-threads in c.
what are bit fields in c?
What is static function in c?