What are the database roles? : sql server security
two tables with table name ship(name,year) and battle (name,year),how to find the latest added year in the table ship
Tell about MOM Tool(Microsoft Operator Manager)?
How to implement service broker?
How do I view a stored procedure in sql server?
What is the maximum number of index per table?
please tell me the query to get details of the employee having the second largest salary
Do you know what is normalization of database? What are its benefits?
i have table students with fields classname,studname select * from students classname studname 1 xxxxx 1 yyyy 1 zzzz 2 qqqq 2 tttt 3 dsds 3 www i want the output should be No of students in class 1 : 3 No of students in class 2 : 2 No of students in class 3 : 2
what stored procedure would you use to view lock information? : Sql server administration
After creating the cube, if we added a new column to the oltp table then how you add this new attribute to the cube? : sql server analysis services, ssas
If I delete a template from the list in sql studio, will it be deleted from the hard disk? : sql server management studio
Can you name a few encryption mechanisms in sql server?