What are some of the pros and cons of not dropping the sql server builtinadministrators group? : sql server security
What is difference between getdate and sysdatetime in sql server 2008?
Advantages and disadvantages of stored procedures.
What is Left Outer Join?
How many full-text indexes can a table have?
What is the difference between having clause and where clause in sql server?
How to select some specific columns from a table in a query in ms sql server?
Differences between functions and stored procedures?
8 Answers 247Customer, Accenture,
What is the difference between a function and a trigger?
What are filegroups in sql server?
What do we need queues in sql service broker?
How do I change my passwords (database, LDAP, and so on) without causing an outage?
How many types of relations are there between dimension and measure group? : sql server analysis services, ssas