What are the extra roles available in msdb? : sql server security
what is advantages in sql 2005 over sql 2000?
What do you understand by coalesce in sql server?
What is use of attribute hierarchy ordered ? : sql server analysis services, ssas
Explain transaction server auto commit?
Why we are using the sql language?. What is the purpose of using this?
What is the use of sign function?
how to write test cases for testing databases,especially for testing and writing test cases for stored procedures.any real time database testers.please answer me.
What does the INSTEAD OF trigger do?
A left outer join B B right outer join A gives the same result then what is the use of two?
Explain the rules for designing files and file groups in sql server?
What are truncate options available in sql server? : sql server database administration
List the types of recovery model available in sql server?