What is sql server replication? : sql server replication
What is the diffrence between update_one and auto_fix?
what is advantages in sql 2005 over sql 2000?
what is for foreign key ??
4 Answers CarrizalSoft Technologies, Sabic,
Difference Between ORDER BY Clause and GROUP BY Clause in SQL?
please bar with my english i having a database called tblhallreservation in which res_date is date field has to select all the fields in table deponding on month either has to display all details for the month jan or feb and so on
Explain indexed views?
What is global temp table?
What is cdc in sql server?
What are cursors?
What stored by the model? : sql server database administration
How to update multiple rows with one update statement in ms sql server?
when u import an excel file into sql if suppose one column has got a date field with system time attached to it what data type u will use in sql to import it in a table? Note: a condition is the excel file has no primary key defined to a column...also u r importing bulk data into sql