What is the status of services on passive node for failover cluster in sql server? : sql server database administration
What is use of attributehierarchyenabled? : sql server analysis services, ssas
Explain collation?
How to write the storeprocedure with in the store procedure? and how can we write the store procedure with in a trigger vice versa? plz post me the exact answer?
Where cross join is used?
If a stored procedure is taking a table data type, how it looks?
What is the full form of ddl?
What is the difference between MVC and Teir Architecher? Plz explain with Layyered Programming example...? Thanks
Define union, union all, minus, intersect?
What is the contrast between sql and mysql?
What is sql server used for?
What is a partition function in sql server?
What are the options which must be set to allow the usage of optimistic models?