What is ems sql management studio? : sql server management studio
What does it mean to manipulate data?
What are the advantages of passing name-value pairs as parameters?
Can you explain how long are locks retained within the repeatable_read and serializable isolation levels, during a read operation with row-level locking?
Can a database be shrunk with users active?
How to check what was the last restore transaction LSN on Log-Shipping and Mirroring when we doesn't have a Monitor server and Witness server?
how can you move the master database
What is the difference between Stored Procedures and triggers?
What is triggers and its types?
What are the restrictions that views have to follow?
What are the characteristics of modern DBMS?
i want to create procedure for create table in sql server 2005 for example create procedure create_table @table varchar(20) as create @table( id int, name char(20) ) but it will get error what is solution?
What is a data source file?