What is dknf in normalization form?
What is the name of the system variable that returns the number of rows affected by a SQL statement?
create procedure proc1 (@a int) as begin if @a=1 create table #temp(a1 int) else create table #temp(a1 int) end while executeing the above code it shows error like '#temp already exist' .why it shows an error?
Explain what is raid and what are different types of raid levels?
What are the options which must be set to allow the usage of optimistic models?
How do you size a resultset?
Can we use where clause in union?
What is tempdb in sql server?
How will you decide the active and passive nodes?
What the difference between UNION and UNIONALL?
How to see the event list of an existing trigger using sys.trigger_events?
What do you mean by stored techniques? How would we use it?
Without Using Cursors , How to Select the Selected row??
3 Answers CarrizalSoft Technologies, Wipro,