Can you please explain the difference between primary keys and foreign keys?
What is rank function?
How do you test your database? : sql server database administration
What are the steps you will take to improve performance of a poor performing query?
I am using SQL Server 2005, I have some select and update statements in my query with WHERE clause I want to prevent these queries from SQL injection attacks. What are the steps and precautions to be taken for SQL Injection attacks? Does anybody have suggestions? Thanks in advance,
How will you monitor replication activity and performance? What privilege do you need to use replication monitor? : sql server replication
What is awe?
How many types of the database links?
Explain having clause and where clause?
Let’s say the table in the database is named as TBL_Register. The fields in this table include: 1. User_Name, 2. User_Telephone, 3. Register_Date The field Register_Date stores the current date and time of the registration. Write the SQL statement that inserts the data into the table.
What is stored procedures?
What are the differences between stored procedure and functions in SQL Server 2000?
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Is it true, that there is no difference between a rule and a check constraint?