What are types of scd? : sql server analysis services, ssas
Can we execute a stored procedure inside a trigger?
6 Answers BirlaSoft, CarrizalSoft Technologies, United Healthcare,
What is the use of tempdb? What values does it hold?
What are the differences between ms sql server & oracle?
can you any body tell me the difference between candidate key and primary key
How to add a new dsn with the odbc driver for sql server?
What is a not null constraint?
What it means to be triggered?
How to generate create view script on an existing view?
What are the different acid properties?
What happens if an integer is too big for int date type?
SQL stops working in every 15 days displaying message that database log file is full. Log file size is 3.95 GB. It is happening after shrinking the database also. What is solution to overcome this problem. Please help me as it's urgent.
What is a SQL Server Temporary Table?