What is surrogate key? : sql server analysis services, ssas
what is the difference between openrowset and openquery?
What is the data type of time?
Does a specific recovery model need to be used for a replicated database? : sql server replication
Explain filtered indexes benefits?
What is the query optimization statistics?
If user is owning any SQL Objects, can we drop that user
statement (of account) Receive ID_receive Date_receive Amount_receive TO_receive From_receive Description_receive 1 2010/01/01 500 Bank Ahmed Payment from the account 2 2010/02/01 700 Bank Ahmed Payment from the account Payment ID_payment Date_payment Amount_payment From_payment To_payment Description_payment 1 2010/03/01 1000 Ahmed Sales Sale goods 2 2010/04/01 1500 Ahmed Sales Sale goods How can crate Stored Procedures for the statement (of account) from these tables? I want statement (of account) like this: (in sql 2005) ID_ name description debit account credit account balance
What is an extended stored procedure? Can you instantiate a COM object by using T-SQL?
How to concatenate two strings in SQL Server.
What is a stored procedure?
Does union all remove duplicates?
Define outer join in sql server joins?