What is row_number()?
What is database isolation in sql server? : sql server database administration
Which tcl commands are available on the sql server?
Do you know what are pages and extents? : SQL Server Architecture
Is sql server implemented as a service or an application? : Sql server database administration
Join 3 tables (table1, table2 & table3) in a single query. Inner join should be applied for table1 & table 2 and left outer join for table1 & table3 where table2.dept is ABC
What are mdf,ndf,ldf files and how to see the data in those files?
What is stretch database in sql server?
Rate yourself in .NET and SQL ?
1 Answers Cognizant, HCL, SunGard,
what is normalization? : Sql server database administration
How to Install SQL SERVER 2005 remotely?
How does stuff differ from the replace function?
Is it safe to delete log files?