Can one improve the performance of sql*loader? : aql loader
how to create a new table by selecting rows from another table in mysql? : Sql dba
Difference between DBMS and RDBMS...CODD's rules
what are the t string functions available in tsql? : Transact sql
1) Synonyms 2) Co-related Subquery 3) Different Jobs in Plsql 4) Explain Plan 5) Wrap 6) Query Optimization Technique 7) Bulk Collect 8) Types of index 9) IF primary key is created then the index created ? 10) Foreign Key 11) Exception Handling 12) Difference Between Delete and Trunc 13) Procedure Overloading 14) Grant Revoke 15) Procedure Argument types. 16) Functions. 17) Joins
How many sql core licenses do I need?
How do you update f as m and m as f from the below table testtable?
Why do we use set serveroutput on?
what is 'trigger' in sql? : Sql dba
what are all the common sql function? : Sql dba
Can we use SQL%ISOPEN in implicit cursors? Does this attribute works properly in Implicit Curosors?
i have doubt that any one tell ref cursor comes in sql pl/sql? pls clarify?
What is an invalid partition table?