Can you list some other automation testing tools that you are familiar with?
hi, I want to study TIA portla V11. where can I get online courses?
in VSS, what is meant by check out and check in?
What are the different types of locks in mainframe?
What is the difference between continue and next sentence?
In selenium testing how to connect with database , any one pls give the entire information
Give difference between Intranet application, client server application, and web based application
Is web based application a 2 tier or 3 tier application.
What is an automated test script?
I want to learn the data base testing, how can I start my psactice? I already reading the books of basic for data base? If any other books that make my study simple please suggest.
Please explain how to perform load-testing?
What are the main attributes of test automation?
What are the 5 common software development problems solutions?