What is a relationship and what are they?
Which constraints we can use while creating database in sql?
how to check server status with 'mysqladmin'? : Sql dba
how do you know if your mysql server is alive? : Sql dba
What is cascade in sql?
Can we use joins in subquery?
Let us suppose we have a table with structure in order empno empname empdesig empcountry and now i want to re-organize the columns of this table to empno empdesig empname empcountry how can i do this with queries ? assume that table contains the data.
how to get a list of all tables in a database? : Sql dba
How does cross join work in sql?
What does a pl/sql package consist of?
What is a unique key and primary key and foreign key?
How do you clear the screen in sql?
what is the difference between truncate and delete statement? : Transact sql