Differentiate between hash file and sequential file?
DB2 connector> transformer > sequential file Data will be exported into a csv format in a sequential file. This file will be send in a email using a sequence job. Problem here is, how to avoid sending a blank csv file? When I ran the job there are chances that it might return zero records but in the sequence job csv file is going blank. how can I avoid this? thanks
How to Convert a string function to date function by using only sequential file stage with out using other stages ?
What is PX?
1.What is the flow of Transformer? 2.How can you do INDEX table in DataStage level?
there are indexes on a table as index1 with col1, col2 index2 with col2 index3 with col1,col2,col3. if i run a query with col1='100' which index will be used and why
What is the surrogate key? what is the use of surrogate key? how to Create surrogate key Generator in scd2 in 8.5?
What is quality stage?
if we take 2 tables(like emp and dept), we use join stage and how to improve the performance?
What can we do with datastage director?
How to remove duplicates in transformer stage? in parallel mode
How many areas for files does datastage have?
What is confirmed Dimension? what is Factless Fact? give one example? What are Additive, Semi-Additive Facts?