What is comp-1 and comp-2?
The disposition parameter in the jcl is share ( DISP+SHR ) and the program opens file in extend mode what will happen?
how to crack cts interview apps? NOVEMBER 21 2010
What is sqlca and why is it needed in any cobol-db2 program?
what are the utilities for load and unload the DB2 tables
after udatingg first 110 rows, my job abends. now how do i change my cobol program so that when i restart the Job it will start updating from 111th row ( i.e in next run I di=ont want to update those 110 rows which are already been updated in the first run before job abend)
How to define variable 9(20) in COBOL, because compiler does not allow us to declare variables with Pic 9(18). Can anyone please let me know the answer... I know one answer to this question which is to use Compiler option Arith (Extend) during Compilation. It extends the maximum limit to 9(32)..Just wanted to know if there is any other way to extend this?
Why there is no questions in this column?
why 02 level number can't be use as a separate level number like 01 or 77 ?
What are ISOLATION LEVELS? Where do we need to specify them in compiling JCL (Exactly which statement and what is syntax for it)?
which certifications r 4 cobol,jcl,db2,cics what is format of xam n what is importance of these certifications... plz post answer only if u r sure... thanks
In EBCDIC, how would the number 1234 be stored?
is it possible to rename 01 level?