How can the performance of a trigger be improved?
Can we debug stored procedure?
what is the need of the cursor attribute notfound..(because using found attribute we can complete the task......found + negation operator = not found )
What is normalisation in sql?
Cite the differences between execution of triggers and stored procedures?
How we get all_group_function's(Sum,avg,count,max and min_value of a column(Sal) Using pl/sql anonymous block, with out using group function's. You shouldn't use more than one select statement in entire the program. Like cursor c is select * from <table_name>; except this you can't use another select statement. You can use no of variables as per requirement.
What does partition by mean in sql?
How to find the count of letter "L" in HELLO
What is the usage of distinct keyword?
how to check the 3rd max salary from an employee table?
if a table is getting updated what happens if a function is called from sql query?
What is a subquery in sql?
Do stored procedures prevent sql injection?