State the difference between implict and explict cursor's?
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Answer / swapna
Implicit Cursor are declared and used by the oracle
internally. whereas the explicit cursors are declared and
used by the user.
more over implicitly cursors are no need to declare oracle
creates and process and closes autometically. the explicit
cursor should be declared and closed by the user.
More over Explicit Cursors were used to retrieve values
from two or more rows.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 28 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / l..l.n.reddy
IMPLICT CURSOR:- Automatically porvide by oracle which
perform DML statements. queries returns only one row.
EXPLICT CURSOR:- Defined by user. queries returns more
than rows.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 16 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / madhuri
The implicit cursor is used to process INSERT, UPDATE,
DELETE, and SELECT INTO statements. During the processing of
an implicit cursor,Oracle automatically performs the OPEN,
FETCH, and CLOSE operations.
Where as in explicit cursors,the process of its working is
done in 4 steps namely DECLARE a cursor,OPEN a cursor,
FETCH from cursor and CLOSE a cursor.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 16 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / selvaraj v , anna university c
Implicit Curosr : When a query return s Single Row Value
then Implicit Cursor is used.
It's return Only One Row. Curosr Name is assigned
Implicit Cursor used for all SQL Stmts, that,
It's defined by the Oracle Server wherenever the Opertions
Single Row.
Implicit Curosrs Automatically provides by Oracle which
performs DML Statements. Qureies return only one row.
We are able to handle NO_DATA_FOUND Exception in implicit
Explicit Curosr :
A subquery returns more than one row Explicit Curosr is
The rows returned by the query is called Active Set. It's
return multiple rows.
Curosr is assigned Explicitly. It's used to process
Multirow SELECT Statements.
Retrieving multiple rows the Programmer declare cursors
Explicit Cursors defined by the User. Queries return more
than rows.
We are Not able to handle NO_DATA_FOUND Exception.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 2 No |
Implicit cursors: used for all DML statements and
single-row queries
Explicit cursors: used for queries of zero, one, or
more rows
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / bhavesh shah
Implicit cursor:- It always return one row, and no loop is
used in.
Explicit cursor:- It returns more than one row and here loop
is used.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / pradeep
Explicit Cursor:-We are not able to Handle NO_DATA_FOUND
Implicit Cursor:-We are able to Handle NO_DATA_FOUND
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 12 No |
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