What is Stream Tokenizer?
What is rmic?
For an example, if we have some variable in run method, and we created one or more threads. Does all threads will share the same variable or a copy of variable is created for each thread??
What is the difference between the ‘font’ and ‘fontmetrics’ class?
How JNDI is used in JMS ?
Hi I have joined java course. I also want additional help from any tutorials website. Please suggest me tutorials which provides easy to understand online applet tutorials?
What is waiting state? In what ways a thread can enter into waiting state?
What will happens, when a thread cannot acquire a lock on an object?
What is the purpose of the wait(), notify(), and notifyall() methods?
Explain the life cycle of servlet?
To make an object to begin executing as a separate thread, what method is used?
Explain about thread synchronization inside a monitor?
how to search the pertical objects in a Collections