How would you identify a macro variable?
Explain how merging helps to combine data sets.
what is the effect of the options statement errors=1? : Sas programming
Which is the best training institute for SAS in Delhi. Please reply
how do you test for missing values? : Sas programming
When you will use nowd option in report???
How to limit decimal places for the variable using proc means?
what is null hypothesis? why do you consider that?
0 Answers Accenture, Quintiles,
Give an example where SAS fails to convert character value to numeric value automatically?
sas macros
how can u convert this 25-jul-2010 from numeric to charcter?
Give e an example of..
In a shcool there are 1000 students. After completion of every test in 6 subjects , each subject teacher submit the marks of every student at different times and loaded in the database commonly. How will you seperate the top two subject marks for each each studet using SAS?