Explain the Air Pressure Machines ?

Explain the Air Pressure Machines ?..

Answer / km jyoti saini

Air pump:-It is a device for increasing or deceasing the pressure of air in a vessel. A compression pump is used for increasing pressure and an vacuum pump for the decreasing the pressure.

Rotary Oil Pump:-This pump produces higher degree of vacuum that the ordinary pump. It is driven by a motor and can work at various speeds. It is automatic and prevents leakage. This pump is used for evacuating thermos bottles, radio and x-ray tubes, photo-electric cells, electric glow lamps etc.

Water Pumps:-These types of pumps are used for raising water. They work on the principle that pressure of the atmosphere is capable of supporting water column whose height to does not exceed the height of the water barometer

Lift Pump:-It is used to raise water to nay desired height. It is a modification of water pump.

Petrol Pump:-This pump works on the same principle on which pump works. With this pump petrol is pushed from tank into the cylinder and from these delivered to an automobile by means of a hose

Syringe:-It consists of a barrel which is fitted with a piston. The piston can be moved up and down by means of handle. The lower end of the barrel is fitted with a thin hollow needle. When piston is raised a partial vacuum is produced in the barrel, the atmospheric pressure action on the surface of liquid in the cup pushed the liquid up which files the empty space. On pushing the piston down, the liquid is forced out of the barrel in the from of a her.

Siphon:-It is a bent tube with unequal arms and id used frond a drawing off liquid from, rese4rvoirs or vessels which have no outlet at the bottom. The conditions for its working are:

I. The length of the shorter limb should not be greater than the height of the liquid barometer, otherwise the pressure of atmosphere will not be able to raise the liquid in the tube

II. The height of arm outside the vessel should be greater than the arm inside the vessel otherwise there will be no fall of pressure

III. The Siphon will not work in vacuum as there would be no atmospheric pressure to force the liquid up in the shorter

Automatic latrine flusk work on the principle of Syphones

Pressure Gauges:-It is an instrument used for measuring pressure of gases or vapors. Different types of gauges are used for different ranges of pressure.

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