the maximum value that an integer constant can have is
a) -32767
b) 32767
c) 1.701e+38
d) -1.7014e+38
write a program in C that prompts the user for today's date,tomorrow's date and display the results.Use structures for today's date,tomorrow's date and an array to hold the days for each month of the year.
What is declaration and definition in c?
How can I set an array's size at run time?
What are the types of macro formats?
Why do we use int main instead of void main in c?
What is difference between far and near pointers?
what is meant by the "equivalence of pointers and arrays" in C?
when will be evaluated as true/ if(x==x==x) a) x=1; b) x=0; c) x=-1; d) none
find largest element in array w/o using sorting techniques.
Explain the use of 'auto' keyword
What are the disadvantages of c language?
what r the cpu registers r ther?