What is local search algorithms?
Can you pick an algorithm. Write the psuedo-code for a parallel implementation?
What is software cycle? Give a diagrammatic representation?
When an algorithm is considered completed?
What’s your favorite algorithm, & can you explain it into me in less than a minute?
Which language is used for artificial intelligence?
1. Consider the following algorithm: for ( i = 1 ; i <= 1 . 5 n ; i++) cout << i ; for ( i = n ; i >= 1 ; i - - ) cout << i ; (a) What is the output when n = 2, n = 4, and n = 6? (b) What is the time complexity T(n)? You may assume that the input n is divisible by 2.
What is iterative deepening depth-first search algorithm?
How are the k-nearest neigh-bors (knn) algorithms different from k-means clustering?
Explain the Canny's Algorithm.
What is the uniform cost search algorithm?
There are numbers from 1 to n, which are inverted such that it results in numbers from n to 1. If only two consecutive numbers are stampled at a time and are inverted, how many moves are required?
What features would you use to build a recommendation algorithm for users?