What is Siebel file system?
I checked out one object from server to my local, after checking out my local Database and userid has been corrupted. now i want to release the lock. How can i do this, can any one help me regarding this?
Explain what is the difference between eim and eai?
What is the difference between siebel 7.5 and 7.8? If we upgarde the application to 7.8 from 7.5 what are the areas we need to give importance fromqa(testing) point of view?
Explain what is s_party table?
Determine ootb functionality in siebel.
Is it possible to access more than one database at a single siebel application?
What is the process of configuring siebel 8 web virtual server?
How would you use or access more than one database at a single siebel application?
In an applet one custom button is created on clicking that button all the fields get validated and then message should be displayed on the other applet as the corresponding field values are empty
when we are use Lonrunning wf in siebel
What's siebel?
Why do we need to create employees at the database in siebel?