Can an indexed file be accessed in arrival seQuence in RPG program ?
What is a Join Logical File, Can it be used for Update ?
What are the functions of Remote Job Entry (RJE) ?
which of the following operations does not zero the field flda defined as 4,0?
How to add 99 menu (page down) option in menu creation..
Define a Job Queue?
what is the function of cpyf command?
What is the purpose of CHGPF (Change physical file) command?
what is the difference between *like and *namvar ?
what is sessional error or divice error in rpg IV?..when will it happens...Give few examples?
what are dds required for subfile?
can you specify a display file to be used in the following modes input,output, or combined modes ?
where will control be passed after the execution of the *pssr subroutine if the factor2 of the endsr is blank ?