How to change the order of columns in Oracle SQL Plus ?
What is use of package in pl sql?
what is the difference between union and union all? : Sql dba
How to fetch the rows by dynamicaly passing table name through cursor?
Where are my tempfiles, I don't see them in v$datafile or dba_data_file?
How can a pl sql block be executed?
write a procedure to print a statement or number not using "dbms_output.put_line" package.write a procedure instead of it using procdure name as "print" ex:- declare a number:=2; begin print(a); end; /* when U type above procedure 2 have to should be printed*/
How to avoid using cursors? What to use instead of cursor and in what cases to do so?
What is sql profiler in oracle?
What is sqlexception in java?
What is the difference between the repeatable read and serializable isolation levels? : Transact sql
Is it possible to update views?
How do I send sql query results to excel?