What do you mean by Run time Errors?
In the token-passing mutual exclusion algorithm, is the timestamping used to reset clocks and correct drifts, as in the distributed queue algorithms? if not, what is the function of the timestamping?
iam free downloading the KK Dictionery to my system but that is not installed yet. can anybody tell be why this happen and what the system have to install the software.
What is an example of a network operating system?
what is memory managemant in Win95
How do I run wget?
How do I upgrade my operating system?
Can we kill init process?
How can I clean up my computer?
Give some examples of use of thread in a single user multiprocessing system
What is the difference between the OS which you use and other OSs?
Dear All, When the patches are installed in the server OS, how will we know that which patch is the latest patch?
Can you just explain about memory management in iOS?