How to filter records of table in SQL SERVER?
what is the order of execution of where,having,group by in select stement
6 Answers IBM, Tanla Solutions,
What are the differences between char and varchar in ms sql server?
1.what is the difference between view and cursor? 2.If we do any change in view will it affect the database,similarly when we do changes in cursor will it affect the databse?with certain example?Thanks
What is the difference between DATETIME2 and DATETIME?
How can we solve concurrency problems?
how we can store the value like that 001,003,023 etc in sql server 2005
What are sub-queries? Give example? In which case sub-queries are not feasible?
What is the maximum size per database for sql server express?
What does <> symbol mean?
what is joins please explain breffly ??
How much space does sql server 2016 take?
What are the different types of replication you can set up in sql server?