Is BCNF better than 2NF & 3NF? Why?
What is the default fill factor value?
How to generate the Reports for the Database? I need an Example for it.Will we manually do this or else any script is there? Please let me know ASAP...
How to make a remote connection in a database?
What are orphan records?
Are null values the same as that of zero or a blank space?
How to check what was the last restore transaction LSN in Log shipping or Mirroring? when we don't have a Monitor or witness server.
Explain system views?
what are candidate key, alternate key and composite key? : Sql server database administration
Once setting replication, is it potential to own a publisher as sixty four bit sql server and distributor or subscribers as a thirty two bit sql server?
How do you rename a table in sql server?
What is the recovery model?
How to get number of days in a given year?