How does the electricity travel ?

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How does the electricity travel ?..

Answer / sanju

It travels in wires of metal by conduction, in solutions by
a kind of connection and through space by radiation.

Is This Answer Correct ?    66 Yes 23 No

How does the electricity travel ?..

Answer / ptttt

Electrons move from one atom to the next in a conductor
under the influence of a potential (voltage), or through
induction (via a moving magnetic field).

The electrons move relatively slowly, but the
electromagnetic wave "pushing" the electrons travels at the
speed of light.

Is This Answer Correct ?    40 Yes 11 No

How does the electricity travel ?..

Answer / sathyanarayana bhat p

the motion or flow of charges is called electricity or
electric current. flow of charge between two points occurs
only when there is a conducting path and a potential
difference between them. in metallic conductors current is
due to the motion of free electrons.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 1 No

How does the electricity travel ?..

Answer / hard

Electricity travels through a circuit... The circuit
conisists of many conductors and compartments (The
conductors are usually magnetic or carbon...). If you turn
your circuit on, The Battery will start releasing
electricity through the circuit...

It really depends which way you have your diodes (If u have
any in ur circuit) because there is Autonated Current and
Direct Current....

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 3 No

How does the electricity travel ?..

Answer / adrianrain

All the atoms which make up the wire do a massive Mexican
wave and carry the electricity energy with them.

Each atom has several electrons which become excited just
like you do when the Mexican wave is coming towards you.

The wave travels at what would seem like the speed of light
but in fact the atoms do not move much at all. Approx 80mm a
day if you want to get technical.

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 11 No

How does the electricity travel ?..

Answer / allen

electricity will travel through wires because electrons push the electricity through thus making electricity move through wires

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

How does the electricity travel ?..

Answer / vijay

through a conductor .the going electons in condutor and
presserice voltage.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 8 No

How does the electricity travel ?..

Answer / josh

through a wire

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 20 No

How does the electricity travel ?..

Answer / er. s.kant

Due to the drift velocity of electrons.

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 56 No

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