what opcode will be used to test the zone of a character field?
How to know the number of records in a pf through clp program?
can a single screen format occupy a screen area above and below a subfile format ?
Define a Job Queue?
What is Job, What are the attributes of a Job?
distinguish between terminating a program through seton lr and return?
What are Control level indicators?
why we sometimes use same file name in FILE and TOFILE in OVRDBF and sometimes different??please tell
1.what are the builtin funtions in cl pgg?Explain with example 2.what is meant by left outer join?where we can use this?
1.what is mean by compilation and runtime error? 2.How to define ALFA numeric value in pf? 3.what command is used to define a data in cl pgm? 4.What type of command is used in page at a time subfile and load all subfile?
Good morning my experts.Im kuppi.im working as a software trainee on AS/400 technology.i have also joined with ibmi5 team.im trying to convert date with cl/400 coding.I have taken 2 parameters(like date and date types). A. If suppose date type is j,Now i want to convert date to *MDY format B. if date type is M,now i want to convert date to *JUL format C. sending a Program message with the value of converted date.
define the purpose of the *cat function?
Difference Between Call & Sbmjob?