can a single screen format occupy a screen area above and below a subfile format ?
Hi All, Can any one give me a suggestion for below prob One job is in MSGW due to decimal dara error and I find out stmt error and Value in DMUP. but my file has millions of records.So how can i find out on which record the error was occured....?
how to pick up the changed records every time in a subfile after the first change made ?
Hi friends.. i want to be a IBM MainFrame Professional.. can any body tell me what is requirement for that... i m just BA, MA, and have simple diploma in Computers. what is pre-requisite.
I have a display file with mandatory fields. Is there anyway that i can highlight those fields to bring attention to the user? The same behavior that AS400 makes when we attempt to execute a command without completing all the required parameters. Note: I have used DSPATR(HI) or DPSATR(RI) and they have different behaviors. Thanks.
What is difference between CAT, TCAT, BCAT?
when this error ocuurs in openqry file 'OPNID(BANKPF) for file BANKPF already exists.'?
what is the maximum number of subroutines allowed in rpg?
1.what is mean by compilation and runtime error? 2.How to define ALFA numeric value in pf? 3.what command is used to define a data in cl pgm? 4.What type of command is used in page at a time subfile and load all subfile?
what is the use of CPYFRMQRYF?
Define a Job Queue?
what is sessional error or divice error in rpg IV?..when will it happens...Give few examples?
what is rpg ?